vifanord Congress Calendar

SASS 2024

Location:🇺🇸 Seattle, United States
Organizer:Department of Scandinavian Studies, University of Washington
First day:2024-05-09
Last day:2024-05-11
Categories:📜 History / Archeology 📚 Literary Studies 📰 Politics / Society

The presidential theme of this SASS meeting is movement. This theme speaks to 'movements' as both contemporary and historical, strategic and reactionary as well as physical and ideological. The theme of movement invites us to examine the extent to which concepts that we assume to be fixed, stable, and unmoving may in fact be kinetic, malleable, and in motion. Past and present cultural, literary and political movements also shape our field, whether the so-called Scandinavian diaspora, pan-Scandinavianism, the Modern Breakthrough, or the collection and relocation of "Nordic" artifacts by archives and museums.